Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mishkat al Masabih Volume 1 - Belief



10 Omar bin Al Khattab reported: We were seated once near the Apostle of Allah (saw) when lo! There appeared a person to us dressed in extremely white clothes and having jet black hair. No fatigue of journey did appear on him and nobody amongst us could recognize him – till he sat down near the Prophet (saw). Then he joined his knees to his knees and places both of his palms over his two thighs and said: O Muhammad, inform me about Islam. He replied: Islam is – that you attest that there is no deity but Allah and that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah, that you keep up prayer, pay poor rate, keep fast of Ramazan and make pilgrimage of the House provided you have means of making journey to it. He replied: You have spoken the truth. We were astonished to see that he asked him and corroborated him. He enquired: Inform me about faith. He said: It is that you believe in Allah and His angels and His books and His Apostles and the Last Day and that you believe in predestination – in its good and in its evil. He said: You have spoken the truth. He enquired: Inform me about Ihsan. He said: It is that you serve Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not see Him, He certainly sees you. He enquired: Inform me about the Doom. ‘One questioned” “replied he, “is not better informed about it than the questioner.” He said: Inform me about its signs. He said: They are – that a maid-servant will beget her master, and that you will see the barefooted, naked, poor shepherds taking pride in lofty buildings. He said – Then he departed. The Messenger of Allah (saw) kept silent for sometime then addressed me: O Omar, do you know about the enquirer? “Allah and His Apostle know best.” I replied. The Holy Prophet (saw) said: Certainly he is Gabriel; he has come to you to teach you your religion – Muslim

11 Ibn Omar reported that the Holy Prophet (saw) said: Islam is built on five things – to bear witness that there is no deity but Allah and that Muhammad (saw) is His servant, to keep up prayer, to pay Zakat, to make pilgrimage and to keep fast in Ramazan. – Agreed

12 Abu Hurairah reported that the Holy Prophet (saw) said: Faith has got seventy and odd branches, of which the best is the saying – ‘There is no deity but Allah’, and the most insignificant is the removal of injurious things from pathway, and shame is a branch of faith. – Agreed

13 Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: None of you believes (truly) till I become dearer to him than his father, his own children and all mankind. – Agreed

14 Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: There are three persons who shall find in themselves taste of faith – He to whom Allah and His Apostle are dearer than anything besides them; he who loves a servant of Allah and does not love him but for Allah; and he who is averse to return to infidelity after Allah has saved him therefrom as he would dislike to be flung into the hell-fire. – Agreed

15 Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: He has tasted the sweetness of faith who is pleased with Allah as lord, with Islam as religion and with Muhammad (saw) as apostle. – Muslim

16 Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: By Him in whose hand there lies the life of Muhammad, anybody amongst these people, the Jews and the Christians, who does not listen to me and then dies while he had not believed in what I have been sent with, will but become one of the inmates of hell-fire. – Muslim

17 Abu Musa Al-Ash’ari reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: There are three persons for whom there are double rewards – a man of the People of the Book who believes in his Prophet and also believes in Muhammad (saw), a covenanted slave when he fulfills his duty to Allah and also his duty to his master, a man with whom there is a slave-girl unto whom he goes, he teaches her manners and then makes her manners good, who gives her education and imparts it well, and who them emancipates her and afterwards takes her in marriage – there are double rewards for him. – Agreed

18 Abu Hurairah reported that a desert Arab came to the Holy Prophet (saw) and said: Guide me to an action which if I do, will certainly take me to Paradise. He replied: You shall serve Allah, shall not associate with Him anything, keep up the prescribed prayers, pay the obligatory Zakat, and keep the fast of Ramazan. He said: By Him in whose hand there is my life, I shall neither do more than this, nor diminish aught therefrom. When he departed, the Holy Prophet (saw) said: Whoever is pleased to see a man of the inmates of Paradise, let him look to this man. – Agreed

19 Abu Hurairah reported that the Holy Prophet (saw) said: the Almighty Allah said: The son of Adam imputed falsehood to Me which was not proper for him, and back-bited Me which was not proper for him. As for his imputation of falsehood to Me, it is only because of his saying – He can never bring me back to life as He created me first; while the first creation was not easier to Me than to bring him back to life. As for his back-biting Me, it is because of his saying – Allah adopted a son, while I am One Praised, free from wants. I did not beget, nor was I begotten; and there is none equal to Me. – Bukhari

20 Abu Musa Al-Ash’ary reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: There is none more forbearing than Allah about accusations which He hears – they call for Him a son. Then He forgives them and gives them provision. – Agreed

21 Anas reported that the Holy Prophet (saw) was on the saddle of (a camel) with Muaz by his back. He addressed: O Mu’az! He replied “Present to thee and fortune to thee! O Prophet of Allah” (thrice). He said: There is nobody bearing witness that there is no deity but Allah and that Muhammad (saw) is the Apostle of Allah’ believing sincerely in his heart, but Allah has prohibited for him the Fire. He enquired: O Apostle of Allah! Should I not deliver this to the people that they may seek good? He said: In that case, they will sit idle. Mu’az communicated this innocently at the time of his death. – Agreed

22 Abu Zarr reported: I came to the Holy Prophet (saw), while there was white cloth on him and he was asleep. Afterwards I came to him (again) while he was awake. He said: There is no man who utters – There is no deity but Allah, and dies on that but will not enter Paradise. I enquired: And even if he committed adultery and theft? He replied: Even though he might have committed adultery and theft. I asked: Even if he committed adultery and theft? He said: Even if he might have committed adultery and theft. I asked: Even if he committed adultery and theft? He said: Even if he might have committed adultery and theft, in spite of claving of Abu Zarr’s nose. When Abu Zarr was telling this tradition, he said: even though Abu Zarr’s nose claved. – Agreed

23 Obadah bin Samit reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said, Whoso bears witness that there is no deity but Allah, He is One, there is no partner for Him, and that Muhammad (saw) is His servant and Messenger and that Jesus (as) is the servant of Allah and His Messenger and the son of His maid and His Word which He breathed unto Mary, and a Spirit from Him, and that Paradise and Hell are true – Allah will admit him into Paradise in spite of his deeds which he might have done. – Agreed

24 Obadah bin Samit reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: Whoso bears witness that there is no deity but Allah and Muhammad (saw)is the Apostle of Allah, Allah will make Hell unlawful for him. – Muslim

25 Jaber reported that the Holy Prophet (saw) said: Two things must come to pass. A man enquired: O Prophet of Allah, what are the two sure things? He replied: Whoever dies associating anything with Allah, will enter Hell; and whoever dies without setting up aught with Allah, will enter Paradise. – Muslim

26 Abu Umamah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: Whoever loves for Allah, hates for Allah, gives alms for Allah and withholds for Allah – he has indeed perfected faith. – Abu Daud, Tirmizi

27 Abu Hurairah reported that the Prophet (saw) enquired: O Omar! What has led you to what you have done? He said: O Messenger of Allah! My father and mother be sacrificed to thee! Have you sent Abu Hurairah with your shoes (telling): Whomsoever you meet with while he would be reciting – There is no deity but Allah – out of firm faith in his heart, give him good news of Paradise? ‘Yes’ replied he. He said: Don’t do it, as I fear lest people may become idle over it. So leave them to act. Then the Holy Prophet (saw) said: Leave them accordingly. – Muslim

28 Ibn Mas’ud reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: There had been no Prophet whom Allah sent among his people before me, but for whom there were no disciples and companions from among his people who accepted his teaches and followed his injunctions. Then (their) successors came after them, saying what they did not do and doing what they were not ordered. Whoso fought against with his hand was a believer, and whoso fought against them with the tongue was a believer, and whoso fought against them with his heart was a believer, but beyond that there was no faith of a grain of mustard seed. – Muslim

29 Ibn Abbas enquired: When a deputation of the tribe of Abdul Qais waited upon the Messenger of Allah (saw), the Messenger of Allah (saw) enquired: Who are the people (or which is this deputation)? He replied: Rabiah. He exclaimed: Welcome to the people (or to this deputation) without any disgrace or repentance. They asked: O Apostle of Allah! We cannot come to you except at the time of the sacred months, as between you and us, there is this tribe of the infidels of Modar. So give us a clear admonition which we can communicate to those who are absent from us, and which will lead us to Paradise. They asked him about drinks. He enjoined them four and forbade them four. He instructed them to have faith in Allah – the One. He enquired: Do you know what is faith in One Allah? They replied: Allah and His Apostle know best. He said: To witness that there is no deity but Allah and that Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of Allah; to keep up prayer; to pay poor-rate; to keep fast of Ramadan and to pay 1/5 of the booty (in alms). He prohibited them from four – from (the use of) dry pumpkins, green-coloured jars, vessels of sealing wax and vessels of wood of date trees. He said: Commit these two memory and communicate these to those who are absent from you. – Agreed

30 Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: No fornicator is a believer while he fornicates, nor a thief commits theft as a believer while he commits it, nor a man drinks wine as a believer while he drinks it, nor he makes plunder as a believer to whom people raise their eyes there-about while he commits plunder, nor any of you backbites as a believer while he backbites. So beware! Beware! – Agreed

31 Anas reported that the Apostle of Allah (saw) said: Three things are at the root of faith: (1) to withhold hand from one who utters – “There is no deity but Allah” – don’t impute sin to him and don’t drive him out of Islam for any (bad) action. (2) Religious fight will continue since Allah sent me till the last of this people will fight against Dajjal; it will be abolished neither by the oppression of an oppressor nor by the justice of a judge; and (3) faith in Predestinations. – Abu Daud

32 Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: When a servant of Allah commits fornication, faith goes out of him. It hovers over his head as a shade. When he comes out of that action, faith returns to him. – Tirmizi, Abu Daud

33 Abu Hurairah reported that some people out of the companions of the Holy Prophet (saw) came to him and asked him: We find in ourselves what one of us considers very serious to mention. He enquired: Do you find it (still)? ‘Yes’ they replied. He said: That is the sincere faith. – Muslim

34 Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: People will continue to enquire till it will be asked: Allah created the creation, but who had created Allah? Then whoever perceives anything from that, let him say – I believe in Allah and His Apostle. – Agreed

35 Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: People shall not cease to enquire till it will be asked: Allah made creation, but who had created Allah? So when they will utter that, say – Allah is One, Allah is free from want; He neither begets, nor was He begotten; and there is none like Him. Let him afterwards turn to his left side thrice and seek refuge to Allah from the accursed devil. – Abu Daud

36 Ali reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: No servant (truly) believes till he believes in four (things) – he bears witness that there is no deity but Allah; and that I am the Apostle of Allah Who sent me with truth; and he believes in Death and Resurrection after death; and he believes in Pre-measurement. – Tirmizi, Ibn Majah

37 Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: Most surely faith will return to Medina just as a snake recoils to its hole.

38 Abu Hurairah reported that the Holy Prophet (saw) was questioned – Which action is best? He replied: Faith in Allah and His Apostle. He was asked: Which is next? He replied: Fight in the way of Allah. He was asked: Which is next? He replied: A pilgrimage which is accepted. – Agreed

39 Anas reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: By One in Whose Hand there stands my life, nobody (truly) believes till he loves for his brother what he loves for himself. – Agreed

40 Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: He does not (truly) believe in Allah, he does not believe by Allah, he does not believe by Allah. He questioned: Who, O Prophet of Allah? He replied: He whose neighbour is not safe from his injuries. – Agreed

41 Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: The most perfect of the believers in faith is he who is best in manners. – Abu Daud

42 Abu Sayeed Al-Khudri reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: Everybody who hath an atom-weight of belief in his heart will be taken out of the Fire. – Tirmizi

43 Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: Certainly what reaches the believer out of his works and good actions after his death is the learning he has acquired and spread abroad, and a pious issue he has left, or a book he has left as a heritage, or a mosque which he has built up, or a canal he has caused to be excavated or an act of charity he has done out of his wealth while in his health and life – (these) will reach him (even) after his death. – Ibn Majah, Baihaqi

1w Mu’az bin Jabal reported: The Holy Prophet (saw) said to me: The keys of Paradise are to bear witness that there is no deity but Allah. – Ahmad

2w Abu Omamah reported that a man asked the Holy Prophet (saw): What is faith? He replied: When your good work gives you pleasure and your evil work grieves you, you are then a man of faith. He enquired: What is sin! He said: When anything smites you within yourself, avoid it. – Ahmad

3w Mu’az bin Jabal reported: I heard the Holy Prophet (saw) say: Whoever meets Allah without having associated anything with Him, praying five times (a day) and keeping fast of Ramazan, will be forgiven. I enquired: Should I not tell them this good news, O Prophet of Allah? He said: Leave them to work. – Ahmad

4w Mu’az bin Jabal reported that he asked the Holy Prophet (saw) about the most excellent faith. He said: It is that you love for Allah and hate for Allah, and engage your tongue in the remembrance of Allah. He enquired: What is that, O Prophet of Allah (saw)? He replied: It is that you love for a man what you love for yourself and hate for them what you hate for yourself. – Ahmad

5w Amr bin Abasah reported: I came to the Apostle of Allah (saw) and enquired: O Prophet of Allah! Who is with you about this affair? “A free man” replied he “or a slave”. I enquired: What is Islam? He replied: Sweet talk and giving food. I asked: What is faith? He replied: Patience and generosity. I enquired: Whose Islam is best? He replied: That one’s from whose tongue and hand Muslims are safe. I asked: Which faith is best? He said: Good conduct. I asked: Which prayer is best? He said: Prolonged prostration. I asked: Which emigration is best? He replied: It is that you emigrate from what your Lord dislikes. I asked: Which fight is best? He replied: That in which his best horse is killed and his blood is shed. I enquired: Which of the hours is best? He said: The middle of latter half of the night. – Ahmad

6w Osman reported that the Prophet (saw) said: Whoever accepts from me a word which I presented to my uncle and which he refused – that is salvation for him. – Ahmad

7w Ibn Omar reported that the Holy Prophet (saw) said: Verily modesty and faith are constant companions. When one of them is raised up, the other is raised up. (In a narration of Ibn ‘Abbas – When one of the two is robbed of, the other follows it also). – Baihaqi

8w Abu Hurairah reported that the Holy Prophet (saw) said: The believer is an object of friendship; and there is no good in one who does not befriend, nor is befriended. – Ahmad, Baihaqi

9w Ibn Abbas reported: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) say: He is not a (true) believer who eats his full, while his neighbour lies hungry by his side. – Baihaqi

10w Abdullah bin Amr reported that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: None of you (truly) believes till he makes his passions follow what I have been commissioned with. – Sharhi-Sunnat

11w Amr bin Shuaib reported from his father from his grandfather that the Holy Prophet (saw) asked: What in creation is most pleasing to you in faith? ‘Angels’ replied they. He said: What is (the matter) with them that they will not believe while they are near their Lord? They said: Then (they must be) the Prophets. He said: What is (the matter) with them that they will not believe while revelation comes to them? They replied:  Then we. He said: What is (the matter) with you that you will not believe while I live in the midst of your backs? The Messenger of Allah (saw) said: Surely the dearest of the creatures to me in faith will be the people who will come after me. They will see the scripts wherein there is a book. They will believe in what is therein. – Baihaqi

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